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My Story . . . the good, the bad, and the ugly


Hello — I'm Maria


I'm a coach, workshop creator, and teacher, and I help women who are afraid to speak up understand where this need to ‘play nice’ and be a ‘good girl who does it all’ comes from and gain insight into what it's costing them.


I can imagine for years you've relied on complaining, feeling resentful, signing up to do even more, and pulling up those nasty big girl granny panties. 


I got you! I have been in your shoes, or rather, bought the same baggy unflattering panties. And then my life dramatically changed and so did my lingerie. 

In the fall of 2016 I was mistakenly arrested on my front porch (it was a clerical error which changed the course of my life). “OMG I’ve been traumatized by the police and they’re doing nothing to fix their mistake! WTF!!!” 


I was victimized by authority figures, which for a people pleasing perfectionist, is THE WORST THING EVER! This is exactly what I as a people pleaser was trying to avoid. I was a good girl doing exactly what I was trained to do — play nice. And the worst happened. To ME. This completely rocked my world. 


I’ve been where you are — feeling debilitated by fear and shame. I spent most of my life trying to keep and make everyone around me happy — afraid of rejection and worried about being judged.


I knew there had to be more to life than giving and getting nothing in return.


I literally had to be arrested in order for me to see the life I was living, and it was not the life I wanted for myself —

making and keeping everyone happy at the cost of my power, soul, body and mind. I could NO longer live that life.


And now I’m able to help other women move from people pleasing

to claiming space and time for themselves — guilt free.

Coaching with Maria was such an insightful experience! It's a pleasure to talk with her. Already in our first session together I learned things about myself that were so helpful. In the following weeks together we were able to explore why I had a hard time articulating my needs and wants, and determine ways to improve this. Her knowledge around the ego and also the enneagram is so interesting and I know I will carry the tools we developed for me for life! Maria's love and passion for her clients and this work is so evident. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain in speaking with her.

~ Silvia P

Maria has a great way of challenging me to stop getting in my own way but also supporting me to do what I need to do to reach my goals

~ Jessica C 

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