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I Don’t Know What to Write . . . I’m stuck!


This week has been one of those weeks. Normally my writing comes fairly easily and flows smoothly – but not this week. Argh!

Can you relate?

Do you have days where the energy and inspiration to write or create feels blocked?

I’m glad to know I’m in good company.

And so, what better way to get out of being blocked — write and see where this process takes me. I find that just the act of writing seems to break something open.

Somehow it’s taken the pressure off of performing, getting it “just right”, and having something written that’s “post worth”.

Why isn’t just being honest and letting it tumble out of me enough?

This is where I find I need to give myself permission – to just play and get messy. Just do it Maria. Be present with what’s alive in this moment and write.

When I put pressure on myself, I tend to stumble and fall far more, and failure and fear come nipping at my heels. And yet, when I’m present and let it pour out of me, I feel a sense of wonder and freedom.

Even now as I write this, I find myself overthinking it and wanting to go back and edit, edit, edit. I will not – today’s exercise is about having fun in the moment and letting it flow without restraint.

It’s in these moments that I’m reminded of all the times I leaned into the stuckness and the blocks and flowed through them; rather than fight and bang my head against them. It’s in these moments that insight presents itself and a freedom to play comes alive.

And right now, at this moment, I feel alive and if this is all that this post is meant to offer today, I am content. It has served its purpose.

Flow on my friends, and be in the moment. Feel light and free.

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