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Moments of Touching the Sacred

What does ‘sacred’ mean?

  • Holy and deserving respect,

  • Connected with religion or a god,

  • Considered too important to be changed

For me it means being present to presence, being moved to tears and overwhelmed by gratitude. It’s those moments that are hard to explain; they are a mystery.

It feels like moments where the veil between this world and something spiritual is dropped, where deep connection and resonance exists – time seems to stop.

Each day I start with journaling and end with poetry. These two rituals offer me time to connect to myself and sink a little deeper. This practice of internal connection matters to me, brings me home to myself, and reminds me I’m not alone.

I love being with others. Together we offer moments of deep connection where we can be vulnerable and honest without shame or feeling less than. And this matters.

Walking in nature, whether it’s with my aging dog or with a friend along the river, especially now with the trees alive, yet slowing down with a final burst of colour and extravagance, I connect and find myself being present to the fullness of life.

Over the past couple of years I have intentionally and with purpose sat with moments of touching the sacred.

I call it: re-membering – allowing the experience, the sanctity of the moment to permeate and filter down into every fiber of my being; so that I can remember and then share it with others.

These moments of touching, noticing, and being in the presence of the sacred are meant to be shared, not squirreled away and hidden.

It’s through being open to the possibilities of connection: to ourselves, each other, nature, and what is beyond us that offers us healing, growth and what we all desire – belonging. And this matters.

Where do you find and notice those moments of being in the presence of the sacred?

Is it around a table full of loved ones? Or being in nature and witnessing the beauty of life? Or turning down the lights, cranking up the tunes, and dancing your heart out? Or sitting quietly in a hallowed place and pouring out your heart to something that is bigger than you? Or reading and finding yourself in the story?

It’s everywhere.

Are you willing to be present to presence: to stop, be open, to lean in, turn towards, and connect with yourself, others, nature, and the eternal?

If so, be prepared. It will sneak up on you and sweep you off your feet. And it is good.

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