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“I wish I knew! If I did, maybe then my life would feel meaningful”. Does this resonate with you? Do you wonder: when will it be my turn to shine, rise, be someone? Have you found yourself feeling stuck and not knowing what it is you plan to do with your life?

Welcome. You are welcome here. This is a safe place where you will feel seen and known for more than your Instagram posts, or your kids’ awards, or your credentials.

I have been where you are and to be honest, it sucks. I have struggled to find the “right” answer when people have asked me: what are you going to do with your life? — after high school, after getting married, after having a child, and many other times. I often wondered: maybe my life isn’t good enough, and maybe I’m not good enough.

We are not only concerned about what we’re going to do with our own lives and how to answer that question, but we’re also curious about what others are doing with their lives. This leads to comparison and a sense of scarcity, and it’s rooted in a fear that maybe there’s nothing for us. Maybe we’re just not good enough to live a wild and precious life.

You may not have the clarity or the meta-perspective of who you are and where you are going, and yet, you have all the elements available to you to risk, to trust, and to let go. You have a wildness in you that is longing to be unleashed.

I have noticed that we grow up with a certain set of criteria for becoming functioning adults, and yet, we often lack the discernment and trust it takes to listen to and activate our inner guide — that wildness within. We have been taught how to compete, how to survive in a consumer based culture, how to be a people pleaser to get what we want, all the while not knowing who we are.

What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? You only have today, this day, this moment. Take a chance, step out of your comfort zone, and try something new that you’ve been afraid to try — be bold and jump.

It literally can be as small as trying a new flavour ice cream, or jumping into puddles on a rainy day, or driving a different way to work. In fact, I recommend starting with small little steps towards your wildness. You’ve been disconnected from that part of yourself for a while. That inner guide wants to be set free and it will take time.

What do you have to lose?

You may find yourself stuck trying to be someone you’re not and this is costing you connection, peace, and freedom. There is a voice deep inside you that is longing for you to stop and pay attention to what it has to say, and it is good and trustworthy.

What do you have to gain?

Living a life connected to your values and what matters to you, using your creativity in a way that honours you as the unique person you are, and loving your whole self including the good, the bad, and the ugly — embracing it all.

So, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?

I understand your situation and am uniquely qualified to help you plan your own journey and transform your life. Together we will explore what is truly meaningful to you to embrace your wildness.

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