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Workshop Registration 

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move from self-abandonment to reconnection

Do you feel the need to make sure everyone likes you?

Are you afraid to speak up even when you feel you need to?

Having troubles keeping your boundaries and so others walk all over you?

Want to say “no” but say “yes” instead; even though it doesn’t suit you?

Feeling like you don’t know who you are or what you want?


If any or all of these questions resonate with you, this workshop is an opportunity to look into what is keeping you from expressing yourself freely and what it would feel like to be brave and empower yourself.


We will spend time understanding what is beneath your need to please others and why you don’t see yourself as a priority. Through the use of visualization, powerful questions, meditation, and the opportunity to share, you will start to reconnect to yourself in more meaningful ways.


This two hour workshop will help you get clarity into what is standing in the way of you connecting to yourself and being true to who you are.


Come and join us and discover how you can reconnect to yourself in a loving, compassionate, and thoughtful way.


February 17th, 2022

Set Intentions for 2022  WORKSHOP


2021 has come and gone and with it we experienced some highs and lows, growth and learning. So rather than forgetting and moving too quickly into 2022, we’re going to focus on setting some intentions. It’s valuable to stop, reflect, and honour our past experiences.


I can imagine after the holiday break, you may be feeling overwhelmed and fatigued with the start of this year – Omicron, going back to work, kids home an extra week, or a challenging relationship.


Intentions are about paying attention to what you already know about yourself, and noticing what areas need attention. Intentions help ground us in the present so that we can be accountable and responsible for our actions, thoughts, and life moving forward. They help us take stock of what we already have and what matters to us. It helps us to see what we value, and when we know our core values we can start living a more integrated life. 


The good news? It’s simple to do.


By taking some time to slow down, reflect on your past – the highlights, lowlights, and how you flowed through it all – and focus on resources you already have access to, 2022 will feel more grounded and you’ll be ready to embrace what comes next.​​

My intentions for 2022:


That you DON’T carry:


* Staying silent to keep the peace

* Being upset at people for violating your boundaries when you

haven’t communicated them

* Thinking that saying something once is enough

* Trying to do everything yourself

* Putting trust into untrustworthy people


January 20th, 2022 


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Research shows that there’s one quality that contributes to the success of bouncing back from failure or stress or perseverance to achieve your goals:




Do you find when life gets crazy busy and a “bomb” lands on your lap, you either: run away and hide, or freak out and get frantic, or pull up those big girl panties and power through, or wallow and despair that life is just TOO much?


When life gets to be too much, it can be hard to access our natural resilience to bounce back, learn from the situation, and grow. It’s more likely we dwell on the problems, feel overwhelmed, and struggle to handle all that’s happening in our lives.


By strengthening and leaning into our resilience we can learn to find ways to manage stress at work, at home, and in life — and this leads to a healthier reality; so that we can thrive, rather than survive.

*  *  *

If you are feeling overwhelmed with life right now, are wanting to find ways to tap into your resilience, and learn how to handle life with more flexibility, come to this workshop and experience the possibilities knowing that you can thrive and live life feeling more capable and grounded.


November 25, 2021

COVID: How are you doing? 


Have you found yourself feeling alone, lost, and disconnected from yourself and others during this pandemic? Are you wanting to find some common ground to share this experience with others in a safe space?

This workshop is designed to help you connect to yourself and to know you’re not alone.


Come join me and a group of like minded people where we’ll share our COVID experiences.

During this workshop you’ll have the opportunity to breathe deeply and slowly, you’ll hear inspiring words poured out as a nourishing gift to your body, mind, heart, and soul, and learn some techniques to help ground yourself when you feel overwhelmed. 


You’ll get to be present to your own self with gratitude and compassion surrounded by new friends.



October 14, 2021

Yoga Studio

Embodiment Retreat



Maria and Robynn invite you to take a moment to connect quietly with your own come back home to YOU. Are you tired or weary, hungry or thirsty? Is your back holding on to unresolved anger or frustration? Are grief and sorrow camping out on your chest? Is there fear lurking in your belly? How do you feel about your one unique body? How do you love your body? Are you aware of how many miles your feet have carried you today? Are you able to accept the aspects of your body that you cannot change? 


Spend a couple of hours with us as we, together with a few of you, come back home! During this retreat you’ll have the opportunity to breathe deeply and slowly. You’ll hear poetry and poured out as a nourishing gift to your body. You’ll get to be present to your own self with gratitude and compassion. Surrounded by new friends you’ll find a safe space to rest. Dress comfortably, and come ready to move!


April 24, 2021

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